“Untitled” (2016) Cecily. J.  [Charcoal on paper]

“Untitled” (2016) Cecily. J. [Charcoal on paper]


Jo Cecily

Jo Cecily is a mixed media contemporary artist whose diverse works focus on the themes of identity, the different aspects that come to define who we are.

In this collection of works, she has explored identity in relation to the body, capturing not only how we perceive bodies, but also how bodies are used as tools to reflect our inner selves.

This work was exhibited during the show “Changing Perspective change 2016” and was a hit with viewers. 

Jo later returned with new works during the show “Inception” in 2017 & 2018.

Jo Cecily’s contact details:

Instagram: @jocecily

Inception 1 & 2


John Anthony
