“Untitled” (2016) La. T. [Mixed Media]

“Untitled” (2016) La. T. [Mixed Media]


Trish La

In Trish La’s practice, she doesn’t know what will come out next. The artist deliberately clears her mind and allows the art to emerge. Quite Often La’s work becomes a landscape where she purposefully leaves out man made references. She wants to bring about a peaceful and calming feeling to the viewer even for a few moments.

On the other hand she likes to rant, making observational statements about the state of the world, of the mind of mankind and of popular culture.

About Trish La’s work:

If I didn’t have my landscapes, I wouldn’t have rant, they feed each other.

Trish La’s contact details:

Instagram: @tuftytree

Inception 1 & 2


Tomos Sparnon


Laura Grace