“Changing Perspective since 2016”

“Changing Perspective since 2016” was our official first show in collaboration with the University of Wales, Trinity Saint David’s, Fine Art 1st and 2nd year degree show “Tabula Rasa” which translates to clean slate. Quite a fitting title for the galleries first official exhibition.

The purpose of our maiden exhibition was to change the viewers perspective as they toured the full size exhibition to see the works of the amazing students that the course had been nurturing towards their show.

We hoped they would be surprised to see, sitting in the exhibition, a 1:24 scale dollhouse that was showcasing a miniature collection of the larger scale works that were on show.

This reveal would show that the larger doesn’t mean better and in fact, from viewers responses to the show, the miniaturised versions seemed to have more of an impact and got people to stay for longer and take a closer look at the details that had now become more apparent even though they had been shrunk.

Below is not only photographs of the work on display in the gallery, but a collection of the works, the artists who made them and what their descriptions of the works were for your information.


Inception (Pt 1)